Original designs, prints & a signature colour palette
Lullaloop’s original collection strikes a perfect balance of style and relaxed wear, offering a curated edit of go-to wardrobe staples for everyday life and special occasions. The collection has been designed as an interchangeable wardrobe, each piece complementing, in order to maximise the number of unique outfits and take the stress out of the inevitable daily outfit changes.
looking after our children's planet
According to environmental charity, Hubbub, an estimated 183m outgrown children’s clothes are sitting in the back of UK wardrobes. Lullaloop's mission is to increase the lifetime of children's clothes. By sharing our clothes efficiently, we reduce the production of new clothes, resulting in upto 60% less carbon and water usage. We re-use items by sustainably cleaning them between homes and then we repair or recycle.
supporting parents
Time is precious with our little one's. Subscribe to Lullaloop and save time choosing clothes every few months, organising outgrown clothes and co-ordinating outfits.
Not all off of us have an abundance of storage. We also can't predict a future baby's sex or the season they'll arrive. Subscribe and let us maximise sharing.
High quality clothes and sustainable choices aren't always affordable. Rent and save £200 per size, compared to purchasing.